Hall Residence Cabinet (HRC)


The Hall Residence Cabinet consists of 12 motivated and brilliant residents of our hall, who plan and execute all the highlight events of our hall. They stand as the representatives of the resident body in our hall to transfer any of their concerns to the HMT and ensure that all requirements of each resident in our hall are met and everyone is treated fairly and equally.

The Hall Residence Cabinet 23/24



Name: Muhammad Ishfaq Zubair Malik Cabinet Position: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Major: Computational Finance and Financial Technology

A small message from Ishfaq: Hey everybody! I'm Ishfaq, the chief-executive officer of the Hall Residence Cabinet Four-Unity for the year 23/24 for our hall. I just want to mention that it has been a great ride serving all of you and organizing events for you guys, when I got the idea of creating this cabinet my vision was to foster and normalize a culture of diversity, inclusivity and unity in our hall, The objective I had with this cabinet was to make sure every resident living in our hall feels included and important and make sure that each and every one of their voices are heard and their concerns are taken into account. It really has been a memorable journey uptill now in Hall 4 as this is only my first year here but in this short time I have met some amazing people and made some life-long friends on the way and I am thankful to each resident of this hall for electing us to be your HRC and responding in such a positive to all of our events, your support is what kept us going. I aim to organize even bigger and better events for you guys in the coming months and I hope that you find something special and make some amazing and life-long connections in these events.



Name: ⁠⁠Liu Cheuk Chi
Position: Vice-Chief Executive Officer (Vice-CEO)
Major: Biomedical Engineering

A small message from Ivy: Hello Academians!😆 This is Liu Cheuk Chi. You can call me Ivy. I am the Vice president for the hall cabinet— Four Unity!! I am a second-year student, majoring in biomedical engineering~ 🧬 I absolutely love playing piano, reading lotsss of books, contributing back to community via volunteering and hiking during my free time! Thus, I am looking forward to meet y’all in the hall event ❤️✨



Name: ⁠⁠PHURIYAPHAN Phraewa
Cabinet Position: Secretary
Major: Information Management

A small message from Pai: My name is Pai, and I am a second-year student from Thailand studying information management. Living in this hall has allowed me to develop various soft skills such as effective communication, leadership abilities, and, most importantly, teamwork through organizing numerous events with my fellow HRC members. Additionally,residing in Hall 4 has allowed me to forge friendships with residents from diverse nationalities, broadening my cultural understanding. Overall, my time in Hall 4 has been an invaluable experience in my college life that has contributed significantly to my personal growth.



Cabinet Position: Cultural Activity Officer I
Major: Civil Engineering

A small message from Ayaulym: Hello-hello, I’m Ayaulym from Kazakhstan! You may see me run around the hall hurrying to the next event or taking my sweet time on my floor’s common room at dinner time, and though I may seem shy at first, I’m very open to having a pleasant conversation if you start one. I know it’s going to be pleasant, because living in JCAC, it’s impossible to count the many moments that led me to joyful encounters, lively activities, and loyal friendships. I’ve felt nothing but support and inclusivity from my hallmates, RTs, and the RM. I'm very glad to be surrounded by Academians who helped me spark that hall spirit, so this year as a member of the Hall Residence Cabinet, I do my best to create a safe space and a vibrant hall experience for our residents.



Name:⁠ ⁠⁠Musab Abdur Rehman
Cabinet Position Cultural Activity Officer II
Major: Mechanial Engineering

A small message from Musab: As a founding member of the HRC Four-Unity, my time in the hall residence cabinet has been nothing short of incredible. The diversity within our cabinet, consisting of 12 members from 8 different countries, added immense value to our work. Collaborating with my team to organize signature hall events was a truly rewarding experience, filled with teamwork and collaboration. Through this role, I formed lasting friendships and connected with numerous individuals within the hall community. Looking ahead, I am eager to embark on similar leadership roles in the future, as this experience has inspired me in leaving a positive impact, wherever I go.



Name:⁠ ⁠Marisa Arjananont
Cabinet Position Decoration Officer
Major: Biomedical Engineering

A small message from Marisa: Hey everyone, I'm Marisa Arjananont from Thailand :) If I had to describe my experience in Hall 4 in one word, I would say "Fantastic." My hallmates are the nicest people I've ever met, and joining the Four-unity Hall Resident Cabinet(HRC) has been one of my best decisions ever. Apart from studying, I get to use my creativity and discover new talents and abilities I never knew I had, from managing hall events to participating in sports competitions, which has been a lot of fun. Overall, Hall 4 has become my second home, and I am grateful for the fantastic experiences and memories I have had here.



Name: SARKER Aumio Kumar
Cabinet Position: IT Officer
Major: Electrical Engineering

A small message from Aumio: I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be part of the HRC, organizing a diverse range of events for the residents of Hall 4. I am filled with immense pride for what we have achieved together as a team. Whether it was organizing memorable occasions like High Table Dinner or Xmas Celebration or simply fostering an inclusive atmosphere within our residence, our efforts have undeniably made a profound impact on the lives of those around us. This experience has changed me profoundly, allowing me to improve my communication skills and develop productive teamwork with essential leadership qualities. It is my sincere hope that residents thoroughly enjoyed participating in our events and had the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, forging meaningful friendships within the Hall 4 community. I eagerly look forward to being an Academian next year as we continue to create unforgettable memories together.



Name: Manit
Cabinet Position: Internationalization Officer
Major: Computational Finance

A small message from Manit: Hi, Manit here. my simple message to all of you is to have fun and enjoy your time in Hall 4. Remember to make the most of your time here and make some unforgettable memories.



Name: Darren KESUMA
Cabinet Position: Sports Activity Officer
Major: Creative Media

A small message from Darren: Hello, I am Darren, a Creative Media student from Indonesia. It is my second year living in JCAC Hall 4, and I would say living here has given me a wonderful journey. I have met tons of incredible people all around the world, locals, internationals, and exchange students. I got a chance to be friends with them and learn about their experience and culture. Moreover, Hall 4 provides facilities to do fun activities, such as the music room, gym, snooker room, party room, etc. Not to mention, the activities organized by the hall are very fun and diverse, from sports activities and competitions, fun games, cultural activities, and many more. It is stress-releasing and also helps us to bond with each other. Besides that, I am grateful to be a part of the Hall Residence Cabinet, Four-Unity, which has given me new experiences and helps me to grow as a person. As a cabinet, we work together to organize various events for the residents, from small events like giving snacks, to big events like the High Table Dinner. So far, I really enjoyed my life in Hall 4, which has become my home in Hong Kong. I never though of having such a incredible experience, and I am looking forward to continue being a part of Hall 4's family.



Name: Hu Tung Hiu
Cabinet Position: Event Officer
Major: Finance

A small message from Jason: I have already lived in hall 4 for three years. Within the bustling walls of my university's hall, I found a space that nurtured my personal and academic growth, while fostering a sense of community and connection. One of the most significant aspects of my hall experience was the opportunity to forge deep and lasting connections with fellow residents. From the very beginning, I was embraced by a diverse group of individuals who quickly became my friends and confidants. Late-night conversations, shared meals, and countless adventures created a sense of camaraderie that made my hall feel like a second home. Through these connections, I discovered the power of support, encouragement, and the joy of shared experiences.



Name: YU Keyao
Cabinet Position: Finance Officer
Major: Global Business

A small message from Nancy: As a financial officer, I’m in charge of the financial issues in HRC activities. Meanwhile, I actively participated hall activities especially sports competitions.



Name: MA Ka Wing
Cabinet Position: Welfare Officer
Major: Criminology and Sociology

A small message from Louis: Hello everyone! I'm Louis, and it has been an exhilarating journey living on the lively 11/F, albeit with a twist this year. As a proud member of our floor for two years. Though I was away for part of the year due to exchange program in semester B, my heart never left 11/F. The diversity, energy, and warmth of our floor have always been a constant source of inspiration and comfort, making it truly a home away from home. The first half of the year on 11/F was filled with unforgettable memories, from shared laughs in the common room to the supportive late-night study sessions. Serving as the Welfare Officer of the hall residence cabinet, I’ve had the privilege of contributing to our community’s well-being, advocating for your needs, and organizing events that hopefully brought us all a little closer. This role has been incredibly fulfilling, allowing me to connect with many of you on a deeper level and to ensure that our residence is not just a place to stay, but a space where everyone feels supported and valued. As I reminisce about our time together and look forward to the future, I am grateful for both the familiar faces on 11/F and the new perspectives gained from my time abroad. The blend of these experiences has been a significant part of my university life, and I am excited to bring back new ideas and energy to our community.