Category ICFD

Hall 4's Spirit Shines Bright in ICFD's Basketball Competition

The long-awaited and exhilarating basketball tournament finally kicked off at this year’s Inter-Hall Contest Fun Day, commencing with the 3v3 women’s basketball competition on November 4th, 2023. Hall 4’s team,...

ICFD Badminton

After intense training sessions, a total of 16 representatives from Hall 4 participated in this year’s badminton inter-hall contest fun day. On October 2nd, our players arrived early at the...

Hall Residents Shine in Tug-of-War Competition

On the evening of September 21st, our hall residents made a strong statement of strength and determination at the Tug-of-War tournament. The event involved participation from over 30 engaged and...

Category Hall Induction

Hall Induction

On September 13th, 2023, returning and new residents united in the Multifunction Hall C, setting the stage for an extraordinary and one of the most significant events known as the...

Category SRO

Hall 4's Booth and Performances Ignite Joy at Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

The Student Residence came alive with the vibrant and heartwarming spirit of the Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration on the evening of September 27, 2023. This cherished event brought together residents from...

Category SIP

Exploring Majestic Heights: Dragon's Back Hiking Day Unveiled at Hall4 JACA

In a splendid fusion of adventure and camaraderie, Hall4 JACA hosted a Dragon’s Back hiking day on December 24th 2023 that left participants spellbound. The journey commenced at noon, weaving...

Celebrating Thai Tradition: JCAC Loy Krathong's Day

On December 1st, 2023, JCAC Hall 4 celebrated the renowned Loy Krathong’s Day. Organized by Marisa, Pai, and Darren, the celebration took place in the G/F Common room, aiming to...

Festival of Lights & Fireworks

On November 27th, Aryank and Max orchestrated a truly enlightening event centered around the illustrious Hindu festival of lights - Diwali. This student-led initiative was designed to showcase the captivating...

Checkmate Challenge: Clash of Chess Titans

Amidst the whirlwind of midterms and assignments, the talented residents of Hall 4 managed to find time for some exciting extracurricular activities. Brimming with student-initiated projects, the hall became a...

Haunted House Costume Party Night

Hall4 JACA’s Halloween Costume Party, held on October 29th as part of the Haunted House Costume Party (SIP), enchanted attendees with an evening brimming with creativity, fellowship, and spine-tingling excitement....

Fitness Fusion: Unleash your Inner Athlete - A Spectacular Display of Fitness and Community Spirit

Hall4 Jockey Club Academy Hall (JACA) recently hosted an exhilarating fitness event that brought together residents from all walks of life to showcase their athletic prowess. The event, aptly named...

Intra-Hall Poker Tournament: Residents Show Their Card Skills

On the lively evening of October 30th, 2023, just before Halloween, residents of the hall converged in the cozy ground floor common room for an exhilarating poker tournament. This casual...

Hall Residents De-stress from Midterm Season with Pool Tournament

Amidst the demanding midterm season, JCAC residents found a delightful escape through a thrilling pool tournament held on the evenings of October 24th and 25th, 2023. Seeking to determine the...

Kicking for Glory: The Ultimate FIFA Showdown

From the exhilarating atmosphere that resembled a real football stadium to the skillful organization by Aumio, Yernur, and Grigorii, the FIFA tournament in our residence hall was a resounding success!...

Handsoap making - Create Our Unique Soap

On October 4th and 6th, total 30 residents joined the handmade soap workshop in the ground floor common room for an evening of creativity and fun. The workshop offered a...

Unraveling the Secrets Behind South Asian Milk Tea

Chai enthusiasts gathered on the evening of October 9th for a delightful event called Chai Chat, aimed at unraveling the secrets behind South Asian milk tea. The event was a...

Baursakh Day: A Culinary Journey of Connection

In the heart of our bustling community, the Hall recently played host to a uniquely delicious event: Baursakh Day. Genuinely thanks Akgul and Dina for organizing such an amasing culture...

Category Academian Talk

Academian Talk 2

In late November, the second set of this year’s JCAC Academic Talk Series featured an exhilarating array of presentations on diverse academic themes, spearheading an intellectual journey into varied domains...

Academian Talk 1

On the first of November, the Jockey Club Academy Hall kicked off its Academian Talk Series with the first set of talks for the year, continuing the tradition into the...

Building Public Speaking Skills with Dr. Zachary Leung

The Jockey Club Academy Hall organized a highly informative and entertaining workshop on the 11th of October, 2023. The workshop aimed to improve students’ ability to speak confidently in public,...

Category Sports Meet

Hall 4 JCAC: Celebrating Extraordinary Achievements at Athletic Meet 2023

In a breathtaking display of skill, determination, and unwavering spirit, Hall 4 JCAC athletes left an indelible mark on the recent Athletic Meet 2023 held on 22nd October 2023. With...

Dive for the Win

“Take your mark and dive into the pool of the uncharted waters!”

Category HRC

Boosting Up the Energy with Four Unity’s Exam Energy Station

The end of the semester was approaching, and that only meant one thing: final exams season. Four-Unity organized an exam energy station in the G/F lobby to boost the residents...

Christmas Cheer

On the 28th of December, our team from the Hall Residence Committee organised a truly memorable event for our residents. The purpose of the event was not only to celebrate...

Hall4 JCAC: Fostering Unity and Glamour at the High Table Dinner

The enchanting evening of November 24th, 2023, witnessed the grandeur of Hall4 Jockey Academic Club (JCAC) as it hosted its highly anticipated High Table Dinner and HRC – Four-Unity Inauguration...