Ivy Hi Academians! Im Ivy Liu, a Year 2 biomedical engineering student and the leader of the Writer Team in the publicity team. Nice to you all! I love hiking and reading during my downtime. I am responsible for writing the wonderful events that happened in our hall 4 lovely community!

Hall 4 JCAC: Celebrating Extraordinary Achievements at Athletic Meet 2023

Hall 4 JCAC: Celebrating Extraordinary Achievements at Athletic Meet 2023

In a breathtaking display of skill, determination, and unwavering spirit, Hall 4 JCAC athletes left an indelible mark on the recent Athletic Meet 2023 held on 22nd October 2023. With their exceptional performances, they have brought honor and glory to our community, leaving us in awe of their extraordinary achievements.

Hall 4 JCAC's male team 1

The atmosphere was electric as the highly anticipated 4x100m relays unfolded. Two male teams from Hall 4 JCAC took to the track, ready to showcase their abilities. Team 1, consisting of Halit Yigit Gunduz, Hu Tung Hiu, Shi Zeming, Wong Sau Yat, and substitute Musab Abdur Rehman, left spectators breathless with their lightning-fast speed and impeccable coordination. Their seamless baton exchanges and synchronized strides propelled them to a well-deserved silver medal, solidifying their place among the elite athletes of our community.

Not to be outdone, Team 2, composed of determined individuals, displayed their unwavering commitment to the sport. With every stride, they demonstrated their tenacity and unyielding dedication to excellence. Led by their relentless pursuit of greatness, they secured a commendable fifth place, leaving a lasting impression on all who witnessed their remarkable performance.

Hall 4 JCAC's female team

The female team from Hall 4 JCAC proved to be an unstoppable force, showcasing their passion and remarkable teamwork in the relay event. YU Keyao, Seline Hung, Tsui Sze Ching, Duisenova Karina, and substitute Ayaulym Abaikhanova exhibited a level of synchronicity and determination that propelled them to the top. Their extraordinary efforts resulted in a silver medal, making them true champions in every sense of the word. Their achievement serves as a testament to the power of unity and collaboration.

As a community, let us join together in celebrating the remarkable accomplishments of our male and female teams. Their unwavering dedication, perseverance, and pursuit of excellence have not only brought glory to Hall 4 JCAC but also inspired us all to reach new heights. We applaud their relentless efforts and extend our heartfelt congratulations on their well-deserved success.

Representatives of Hall 4 JCAC running

Behind every great athlete, there are spirited cheerers who provide unwavering support. We express our deepest gratitude to the enthusiastic individuals whose cheers and encouragement echoed throughout the event, igniting the flames of passion within our athletes.

The memories of Athletic Meet 2023 will forever be etched in our minds. The photographs capturing these significant moments will serve as a testament to the extraordinary achievements of our athletes, reminding us of their indomitable spirit and the power of unity.

Hall 4 JCAC participants

Congratulations once again to the male and female teams of Hall 4 JCAC for their exceptional performances. They have set a shining example for future generations, proving that with perseverance and dedication, anything is possible. Let us continue to support and nurture the talents within our community, as we strive together towards even greater heights of success.