A Recap of the Academians' Talk Event on Innovation and Sustainability

On the evening of October 28th, 2024, Multifunction Hall A lightened up as eager audiences gathered to acquire fresh knowledge while speakers stood enthusiastically, ready to share their passion with the audience. Apart from that, delicious treats were also provided for participants to lift up their moods and freshen their minds after their long day.
Inspiring story to find life’s quests
The session started with the sharing from Calysta Angesti Pratana with the topic “Unlocking Life’s Side Quests: Discover Unexpected Achievements”. The talks centered around the combination of the power of embracing opportunities that lead to unlocking life’s hidden missions and the recent innovation in the renewable energy sector. In the case of Calysta, she shared her insights about finding her passion for R&D, relating to finding alternative ways to sustainable renewable energy. The talk ended with an informative Q&A session with an interesting question the audience raised regarding Calysta’s opinions on big technology companies using nuclear power to build facilities. The sharing not only inspired everyone to challenge themselves continuously and step out of their comfort zone but also shed light on the significant increase in carbon dioxide emissions.
Groundbreaking technology
The next talk is from Liu Yingge (Linda) on the theme “CCUS: Unlocking the Green Innovation Road in the Era of Carbon Neutrality”, which revolves around new innovation and potentially the solution to the climate change problem, CCUS. This technology was eye-opening for many participants since its main functionality includes absorbing, trapping, and collecting CO2, preventing it from getting released into the atmosphere. However, Linda also pointed out the constraint of how this technology is still developing to increase efficiency and security and require less investment. Overall, Linda’s sharing was highly informative and allowed the audience to immerse themselves in the sustainable energy world, gaining valuable insights into today’s recent innovations.
Exploring the world of data
Finally, Gizatulin Timur captivated the audience by unfolding the fundamentals of data structures and graphs under the theme “Graphs are everywhere!” He explored the nodes and edges within data networks, offering practical examples that participants could relate to in their daily experiences. To enhance comprehension, he brought Rubik’s cubes to visually depict data networks, a method that deepened the audience’s grasp of the subject. Overall, this presentation undoubtedly made a lasting impact on the audience, prompting them to explore the unique presence of graphs in their daily lives.
Ultimately, the event served as a platform for not just learning but for building a community bonded by shared experiences and passion.