Adam I'm Adam Gear, and I am studying a BSc in Computational Finance at CityU, currently in my second year. I'm originally from South Africa, and I've lived in JCAC Hall for 2 years.

Intra-Hall Poker Tournament: Residents Show Their Card Skills

Intra-Hall Poker Tournament: Residents Show Their Card Skills

On the lively evening of October 30th, 2023, just before Halloween, residents of the hall converged in the cozy ground floor common room for an exhilarating poker tournament. This casual yet exciting event allowed them to test their skills in probability, patience, and the subtle art of bluffing, creating a friendly and competitive atmosphere to demonstrate their poker expertise.

Contestants playing their chips

The Hunt for the Poker Champion

With 25 participants, the enthusiasm among the residents was palpable. As the chips were stacked and bets were made, the competition grew intense. The games provided thrills, including an impressive “straight flush” hand, a rare combination with five cards of the same suit in a continuous sequence, that occurs only once out of every 72,193 hands.

Contestants discussing some cards

The Winners

After a night filled with fun and competition, Oliver secured an admirable third place, while Kai took a well-deserved second position. Ultimately, Kenneth emerged as the champion, showcasing remarkable skill and unwavering determination.

The Winners

A Luck-Filled Journey

We commend the spirited participation of the hall’s residents, who managed to make the event memorable despite their demanding academic and extracurricular commitments. Our sincere gratitude goes to the dedicated student organizers who skillfully arranged this engaging tournament. Their unwavering dedication played a crucial role in achieving its resounding success, and they deserve recognition for their outstanding efforts.

Contestant Enjoying

As we bid farewell to this exceptional poker tournament, we congratulate Kenneth, Kai, and Oliver on their triumph, showcasing their competitive drive and proficiency in the nuanced strategies of poker. Their commitment, tenacity, and love for the game were evident, earning the respect and admiration of their fellow competitors. Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate future gatherings that will further strengthen the sense of community within the hall. These events will not only provide shared experiences but also foster deeper camaraderie and connections among all residents.