Interhall Competition Fun Day - Table Tennis đ

The highly-anticipated Table Tennis Interhall Contest has finally arrived! The second ICFD for this semester is table tennis, which was held on the 19th and 23rd of November, 2024. The first round was held in Kowloon Tong on 19th November, and our Cornwall Lions won the second round, which was held in the Ma On Shan student residence on the 23rd of November. These competitions had various categories, including singles and doubles matches for both males and females and mixed doubles.
Hall 4 Representatives đĻ
For this year, our hall has brought compatible players as the hall representative. In total, we have 16 players, 8 males and 8 females. Those players are Ken, Timur, Maple, Will, Bryan, and Stan for the males and Hayley, Erin, Alice, Annie, Michelle, and Jessica as the female representative. We also have our supportive cheering team, who cheered throughout the competitions.
19th November 2024 - First and Second Round đ
For the first-round match, we played against the hall 6. The game was pretty intense as we lost during the first game, which was the male single. Points are catching up with each other where 3 sets were played. Next, we move on to the second match of the first round, the female single. For the first two matches, we lost against Hall 6. Moving on to the third game, which was the male double, The game was pretty intense as this was the chance for us to pursue the next round due to the game system where we had to win 3 out of 5 games. With the confidence and strength of our hall representative, we managed to snatch a 3-win streak for the last 3 games: all the double games. These were played by Timur-Maple, Hayley-Alice, and Alex-Erin. The second round was much less relaxed than the first one, where we snatch a 3-win streak from all the 3 first matches. Wrapping up the 19th November match, we managed to proceed to the next stage on 23rd November in Ma On Shan Student Residence.
23rd November 2024 - Semifinal and Finals Round đ
As we continued to the next stage, we proceeded immediately to the semifinal stage, competing with hall 1; the competition was pretty intense, and we managed to play all the sections of the matches from single males to double mix. We managed to win the 3 matches out of 5. All the supporters were delighted as we managed to play in the final matches.
Coming to the final match, our compatible player managed to play the intense matches where we got to win the single males first, which hyped up the tension of our final matches competing with hall 5. We lost in the double male. However, we managed to win the intense match of double females. The points were trying to catch up all the time. Then, we managed to win the champion position.
Wrapping Up đ
The highly anticipated table tennis was successfully held on the 19th and 23rd of November, 2024. With the strong participation of our valuable players from the Hall 4 Cornwall Lions and the support from the Hall 4 residences, we managed to snatch the championship place.đĨ