Irena Hola! Welcome to the best hall—Hall 4!!! I am a Data Science student who loves Tyrrell’s chips, especially the Sweet Chilli & Red Pepper flavor. Wishing you meet more amigos and enjoy life here ; )

Haunted House Costume Party Night

Haunted House Costume Party Night

Hall4 JACA’s Halloween Costume Party, held on October 29th as part of the Haunted House Costume Party (SIP), enchanted attendees with an evening brimming with creativity, fellowship, and spine-tingling excitement. From the moment the guests entered the venue, they knew they were in for a captivating experience.


The event kicked off with a slow and suspenseful welcome, setting the stage for the immersive festivities that awaited. Participants were provided with stamp-collecting cards, unlocking a series of engaging booths and challenges. The Spiderweb Game tested dexterity, while the Game of Riddles challenged wit and cunning. Each completed challenge earned participants a stamp, and those who collected a full set were rewarded with trick-or-treat candies.


Amidst the lively atmosphere, a game of Musical Chairs added a touch of whimsy and friendly competition. Dina emerged as the victor, eliciting laughter and applause from the crowd. The highly anticipated costume contest showcased an array of remarkable ensembles. The Chainsaw Man exuded an air of menace, the Plague Doctor donned an aura of mystery, and the Techwear Cosplay transported onlookers to a futuristic realm. Through a collective vote, these outstanding costumes claimed victory in the competition.


Throughout the evening, the venue buzzed with an electric energy as participants reveled in thrilling games, engaging challenges, and the companionship of fellow academians. Laughter and conversations filled the air, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared excitement.


As the event drew to a close, attendees departed with cherished memories of a memorable Halloween experience. Hall4 JACA’s Haunted House Costume Party had successfully cultivated an atmosphere of creativity and fellowship, where imaginations ran wild and lasting connections were formed.


As we bid farewell to this extraordinary celebration, we eagerly anticipate future events that will continue to captivate and delight. Let the echoes of laughter and the spirit of Halloween linger in our hearts, reminding us of the enchantment we experienced on this special night.
