Hall Activities
In order to provide a better environment to enrich the social
environment of residents, Hall 8 has organized a number of
activities organized in the passing year. Some have become our
routine practices. For example, Hall 8 organizes a
birthday party each month to celebrate the birthday of the
residents who are born in that month. Floor Gathering has also
been organized by different floors either individually or
jointly to provide a casual environment for the residents to
communicate with each other.
activities have been attractive to them, since many of our
residents are not local students. Our Hall has organized a
one-day trip to Lamma Island, Cuttlefishing evening, BBQ and
Hiking. In addition, our Hall has also organized some indoor
activities, for examples, Cocktail reception at the beginning of
each semester, Christmas Party, Happy New Party and so on.
With the joint effort of our tutors and enthusiastic resident
helpers, our Hall also organized its first Formal Dinner on
February 2005 with a theme on Chinese culture. It has been a
great experience for many of our residents. In addition, our
Hall has tried and will continue to organize activities which
may help our residents in their further study or career
development. For example, our Hall organized a seminar on study
in the America, which was delivered by Mr. Stuart Bullington
from the International Students Incorporation in order to enable
our residents to have a better understanding of the situation
and preparation for studying in America.