Hall4 Jockey Club Academy Hall (JACA) recently hosted an exhilarating fitness event that brought together residents from all walks of life to showcase their athletic prowess. The event, aptly named...
On the lively evening of October 30th, 2023, just before Halloween, residents of the hall converged in the cozy ground floor common room for an exhilarating poker tournament. This casual...
Amidst the demanding midterm season, JCAC residents found a delightful escape through a thrilling pool tournament held on the evenings of October 24th and 25th, 2023. Seeking to determine the...
In a breathtaking display of skill, determination, and unwavering spirit, Hall 4 JCAC athletes left an indelible mark on the recent Athletic Meet 2023 held on 22nd October 2023. With...
From the exhilarating atmosphere that resembled a real football stadium to the skillful organization by Aumio, Yernur, and Grigorii, the FIFA tournament in our residence hall was a resounding success!...
On October 4th and 6th, total 30 residents joined the handmade soap workshop in the ground floor common room for an evening of creativity and fun. The workshop offered a...