About Jockey Club Academy Hall (Hall 4)


Opened on March 15, 2004, Jockey Club Academy Hall (JCAC) has quickly ascended to be one of the most dynamic halls in City University of Hong Kong. It embraces the whole-person education ideal of the University, offering students a balanced life and an extension of learning beyond the classroom.

Students’ intellectual development and self-governance are encouraged by the free and energetic ambience of the Hall, as exemplified by the quick formation of the Provisional Residents’ Association (PRA) in November 2004 and the inauguration of the First Residents’ Association (RA) in November 2005. The RA manages the Hall facilities and organizes activities for the Academians including high table dinners, arts and cultural programmes, community services, sports events and various interest groups. There are also 11 Floor Committees that help to promote the active participation of residents in hall life.

The beauty of JCAC not only resides in its panoramic view overlooking the Kowloon Peninsula, but above all in the people who live and learn together as an integral part of a cheerful, energetic and caring community.

Location and Facilities

JCAC enjoys the geographical advantage of being the hall that lies closest to the campus. With Beacon Hill behind, the hall has a panoramic vista of Kowloon Peninsula and Hong Kong Island. It is equipped with a Gym Room, Pool Table, video game set, and other hall facilities. The RTs manage the facilities and maintain them to best suit residents’ needs.

Activities and Residents’ Involvement

To enrich residents’ learning experiences outside the classroom, the Residence Tutors (RTs) and the Residents’ Association (RA) organize about over 20 hall activities every year, on top of activities organized within each floor. These activities widely cover cultural exchanges, community services, inter-hall competitions, career, and academic development.

Unity and Sense of Belonging

What’s more, JCAC RA has the longest history amongst those of all CityU halls, and it is an autonomous association run by the residents. “Academian” is an identity to be proud of. Submerged in its caring and family-like environment at JCAC, Academians are united and have a strong sense of belonging to the hall. The strong spirit has led us into winning the Best Cheering Hall prizes in almost every inter-hall cheering competitions over the past few years.


“A” stands for Academic Excellence. To live up to the name of our hall, Academians are encouraged to be serious about their studies and strive for academic excellence. Our Residence Tutors (RTs), who have all been successful in their undergraduate studies, stand ready to give you advice and guidance in this aspect apart from taking care of you. You are welcome to talk to them, e-mail them or make appointments with them for personal consultation. They all have a name poster on their room doors for your easy identification.

“B” is the acronym for Balanced Development. JC Academy Hall embraces the whole-person education ideal of the Univeristy through offering you a wealth of opportunites for learning outside the classroom. The Residents’ Association is committed, and has been doing a great job, in organizing a broad range of programmes to cultivate Academians’ interests and developments in arts and culture, sports and social concern. So, apart from studying, do watch out for and take advantage of the various activities brought to you by the hall for a balanced life and self-enhancement.

“C” is for Community Citizenship. Academians are living in a community characterised by a diversity of people, ideas and lifestyles. Furthermore, over 90% of you are staying in shared rooms where your living habits may be quite different from those of your roommates. To ensure the enjoyment of a safe, healthy, secure and harmonious living environment for all Academians, it is important that every one of us act as a good, responsible and mature citizen of the Academian living community, with a strong sense of respect and consideration for others.


Jockey Club Academy Hall (Hall 4) Academian Scholarships Jockey Club Academy Hall is committed to whole-person education. To recognize residents’ outstanding pursuit of the Academian culture, i.e. Academic Excellence, Balanced Development and Community Citizenship, a scholarship scheme has been established.

Hall Rules

Far beyond a mere place to stay, hall residence is an important component of the whole-person education offered by the City University of Hong Kong. Being exposed to a diversity of individuals, ideas and lifestyles, residents in Jockey Club Academy Hall have ample opportunities to gain out-of-classroom experiences which are as valuable as academic achievements. At the same time, they are expected to observe the "Regulations Governing Student Residence" and the "Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure" of the University in order to maintain a secure, healthy and pleasant environment for all personnel in the Hall.

The following Hall Rules and Regulations are also set to maintain a due standard and to state the relevant procedures. The spirit is not to sanction but to instil a sense of responsibility and maturity in residents of the Hall to develop a harmonious community. Residents' understanding and cooperation are essential to make Jockey Club Academy Hall the best place to live in and study.

  1. General Conduct
    1.1 Smoking or having cigarette butts is strictlyprohibited in all Hall areas.
Offence will result in suspension from Hall for a defined period.
    1.2 Playing Mahjong and/or keeping Mahjong tools (mahjong board and/or pieces) in this Hall is strictly prohibited. Offence will result in suspension from the Hall for a defined period.
    1.3 Extraneous noise after midnight is prohibited.
    1.4 Open flames and the use or storage of inflammable substances are prohibited.
    1.5 Cooking is allowed ONLY in Common Rooms on residence floors and G/F Common Room (Room G04)
    1.6 Please keep all areas of the Hall premises clean and tidy at all times. Users should also take good care of the Hall properties and facilities and will be required to make good and bear the cost of any damages caused, which may include monetary compensations and/or, disciplinary actions on any malicious vandalism, including but not limited to, immediate suspension from Hall for a defined period.
    1.7 Pet or animal keeping is prohibited.

  2. Visitor
    2.1 Visiting hours are from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Visitors are not allowed to enter or remain within the Hall areas beyond visiting hours. Overstay is a serious offence at this Hall. Disciplinary action will be taken against the resident hosts, the overstay visitors and the occupants who let the overstay visitors stay in their room.
    2.2 All visitors MUST register/deregister at the security counter upon entrance and departure. BOTH resident hosts and visitors are jointly responsible for the registration process. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action against BOTH the resident hosts and the visitors.
Resident hosts are held fully responsible for the conduct of their visitors and have the duty to make visitors aware of the said rules and regulations. Resident hosts are accountable for misconduct committed by their visitors. (Note: The Rule 2.3 is in line with Rule 3.3.1 of Regulations Governing Student Residence - "Residents have to accompany visitors at all times and be responsible for their behaviour in the hall.")

  3. Room Occupancy & Identity
    3.1 Lending or borrowing of resident identity card is strictly prohibited.
    3.2 Residents or visitors are not allowed to enter a room without the prior consent of the room occupant in the case of a single room and of BOTH occupants in the case of a shared room.
    3.3 Shared washrooms between rooms are not allowed to be used by residents or visitors of the opposite gender. Washrooms located in the common rooms should be used instead.
    3.4 Residents should ONLY occupy the assigned bed throughout the residential year. The illegally occupied room/bed will lead to disciplinary action with penalty charges. Unapproved use, change or sharing of room occupancy is prohibited. Residents should refer to Appendix 2 for procedures of changes of room and room partnership.
    3.5 Residence Tutors reserve the right to conduct room check at any time with or without prior notice if there is reason to believe that the safety or security of any resident is being compromised or there is a suspected breach of rules and regulations.

  4. Use of Common Rooms in resident floors
    4.1 Common rooms on resident floors are not available for booking.
    4.2 Cooking utensils are available in common rooms for sharing. Alternatively, residents can use their own utensils.
    4.3 Theft is a criminal offence. Stealing food or drinks from the refrigerator will result in suspension from Hall for a defined period.
    4.4 Do not take away any cooking utensils to other floors.

  5. Use of facilities on G/F
    5.1 Common rooms on G/F and facilities therein can be used after booking at the security counter in accordance with appropriate procedures.
    5.2 Hall Management reserves the right to suspend usage and booking of hall facilities.
    5.3 The gym room on the G/F is for the exclusive use of Hall residents only. Visitors are not allowed to use the gym room due to safety reasons.
    5.4 Visitors may use the billiard room on the G/F in the presence of residents. Each resident may bring up to three visitors to use the billiard room at one time.

  6. Floor Representative
    6.1 The residents of each floor should elect their own representative(s). If the residents are unable to elect a floor representative, the RT of that floor should appoint a resident on that floor to be the floor representative.
    6.2 Floor representatives are to provide assistance in managing the business of the floor where they are elected. They are of a more informal nature.
    6.3 Floor representatives should build up a supportive network among residents living on the same floor.

  7. Help & Emergency
    7.1 Residents may approach the Residence Tutor of their floor for general assistance.
If the floor RT is not available, students may seek the help of the Duty Tutor according to the Duty Roster posted on the left side of G/F lift entrance.
    7.3 In case of emergency, residents should report the matter immediately to the security guards at the security counter or the central security office.

  8. Regulations on Official Hall Activities and Promotion
    8.1 Activities only approved by the HMT will be termed as Official Hall Activities (OHA) and be organised by organisers approved by the HMT and/or the RM. The OHA are funded by the hall budget, insurance coverage under the university, and use of whatever hall resources (e.g., budget, facilities, and storage) under the RM and or HMT.
All OHA must be proposed by submitting a written proposal, be discussed by HMT and/or the RM prior to carrying out the activities.
    8.3 Approval from the RM/HMT is required before organising any activities or issuing any publications in in the name of the hall, failing which both the organisers and participants may be subjected to hall disciplinary actions.
    8.4 All other activities other than OHA are non-official and residents’ private activities. Such activities are forbidden from using Hall name or Donor’s name for the purpose of recruitment or promotion. Any violation in this regard may be subjected to hall disciplinary actions. The organisers and the participants of such activities have to bear their own responsibilities including but not limited to no financial subsidies from the hall budget, no hall resources, personal safety without university insurance coverage, no hall returning points, etc.
    8.5 Publications/promotions about OHA will be posted on the hall official social media platform only (e.g., Instagram) with prior approval from RM and/or HMT.
    8.6 All other social media accounts not approved by RM and/or HMT are unofficial accounts and prohibited from using the hall/donor’s name. The hall will not bear any consequences for any inappropriate usage of the unofficial social media accounts. The administrators of the unofficial social media accounts may have to bear their own responsibilities/risks in case of copyright issues, legal consequences and/or disciplinary actions.
    8.7 Any use of the hall/donor’s name for any purposes required the prior approval from the RM and/or HMT. Violations will be subject to hall disciplinary actions. Hall disciplinary panel may investigate such unauthorised activities using the hall/donor’s name by inviting students for investigations.
    8.8 Any potential violations, including photos and messages (using hall/donor’s name) posted on non-official private social media accounts for the purpose of promoting/encouraging/organising unofficial activities, may be subjected to hall disciplinary actions. Hall disciplinary panel may investigate such unauthorised action by inviting students identified/involved in the photos for investigations.
    8.9 All hall/SRO promotions including posters and announcements must bear either RM or SRO stamp. All other postings without RM/SRO stamps will be considered unauthorised and removed from the hall immediately without notice.


1. Violation of Hall Rules will lead to disciplinary action by the Hall Management in accordance with Appendix 1 of this rule
2. Hall Rules and Regulations of Jockey Academy Hall will be updated from time to time. Please contact your Residence Tutors for enquiry. Comments or feedback are welcome.
3. In addition to the hall rules, residents should also follow the "Regulations Governing Student Residence" (https://www.cityu.edu.hk/sro/AboutStudentResidence/RegulationGoverningSR.htm) and the "Code of Student Conduct" (https://www.cityu.edu.hk/studentlife/about_us-sdc.aspx).

  Appendix 1 : Disciplinary Procedures
  Violation of Hall Rules will lead to disciplinary action by the Hall Management.
  1. The offenders will receive a written warning from the Residence Master, with or without copy to the residents' academic departments as suitable for the relevant circumstances.
  2. For residents who have received a written warning from the Residence Master and committed a further offence, the Residence Master is authorized to sanction the said residents in an appropriate manner by making reference to the University’s “Code of Student Conduct” and/or pass the case to the Student Discipline Committee for further investigation, which may result in additional sanction on the said residents and/or other students/individuals involved in committing the offence.

  Appendix 2 : Procedures of changes of rooms and room partnership
  To encourage the expansion of life experience, change of room and room partnership are discouraged. Where a resident finds it imperative to apply for a change and has SOUND and GOOD reasons, he/she should take the following steps:
  1. Write an official letter stating the situations and reasons to the Residence Tutor in charge of the floor.
  2. If the RT finds valid grounds for the application, he/she will advise the resident to obtain a signed mutual agreement from respective residents. The request will then be passed to the Residence Master for approval.
After the approval of RM, the resident should submit the application to SRO for the final processing.


1. Rules and Regulations also apply to visitors.
2. For residents who have committed an offence which is serious in nature, or an offence intentionally, or multiple offences, the Hall Management reserves the right to handle the case in a manner as it sees fit, without limitation to the above said procedures even if they are first-time offenders.

Copyright © 2025 Jockey Club Academy Hall 4
Jockey Club Academy Hall (Hall 4), Student Residence, City University of Hong Kong, 22 Cornwall Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR
香 港 九 龍 塘 歌 和 老 街 22 號 香 港 城 市 大 學 學 生 宿 舍 賽 馬 會 群 智 堂 (4 座)