Ivy Hi Academians! Im Ivy Liu, a Year 2 biomedical engineering student and the leader of the Writer Team in the publicity team. Nice to you all! I love hiking and reading during my downtime. I am responsible for writing the wonderful events that happened in our hall 4 lovely community!

Exploring Majestic Heights: Dragon's Back Hiking Day Unveiled at Hall4 JACA

Exploring Majestic Heights: Dragon's Back Hiking Day Unveiled at Hall4 JACA

In a splendid fusion of adventure and camaraderie, Hall4 JACA hosted a Dragon’s Back hiking day on December 24th 2023 that left participants spellbound. The journey commenced at noon, weaving through the enchanting trailhead and spiraling upwards along the Dragon’s Back ridge.

As hikers ascended, verdant vistas unfolded, offering tantalizing glimpses of the surrounding landscapes. The trail, adorned with dense vegetation, created a scenic tapestry that captivated our senses. The air thick with excitement, we ventured higher, rewarded by panoramic views of the coastline, neighboring islands, and the iconic Shek O Beach. kenneth sitting on a rock aryank standing

The pinnacle of the expedition awaited at Shek O Peak, the zenith of the Dragon’s Back hike. Here, participants paused to absorb the grandeur, resting amidst the breathtaking vistas. The moments were immortalized through the lenses of keen photographers, freezing in time the shared triumph of reaching the highest point.

Aryank sitting on a rock

In our post-event rendezvous with participants, a captivating Q&A session unfolded, unraveling the personal stories and revelations behind each hiker’s journey. Photographs, generously contributed by participants, vividly captured the essence of the day, each frame narrating a unique tale of conquering heights and forging unforgettable memories.

Dragon’s Back Hiking Day at Hall4 JACA wasn’t merely an ascent; it was a symphony of nature, camaraderie, and personal triumphs, etched indelibly in the hearts of all who ventured into the clouds on that memorable December day. View