Adam I'm Adam Gear, and I am studying a BSc in Computational Finance at CityU, currently in my second year. I'm originally from South Africa, and I've lived in JCAC Hall for 2 years.

Academian Talk 1

Academian Talk 1

On the first of November, the Jockey Club Academy Hall kicked off its Academian Talk Series with the first set of talks for the year, continuing the tradition into the 2023/2024 academic year. The event was not confined to the eloquent voices of Hall 4 alone; it beckoned all student residents to join this captivating intellectual voyage.


Preceding this grand event was a training session on October 11th, an appetiser of academic brilliance hosted by none other than the distinguished Professor Zachary Leung. A former coach of the CityU team for the HKU/HSBC case competition, Professor Leung’s session served as the overture, setting the bar high for the main event.

The Speakers

The inaugural session of the year centred on the thought-provoking theme, “Human Well-being and Innovation.” Three Academians took centre stage, each weaving a distinctive tapestry of knowledge and insight.

Leung Sum Yee

Leung Sum Yee illuminated the audience with “Unleashing the Power Within: Exploring the Science of Positive Psychology for Flourishing Lives.”

Liu Cheuk Chi

Liu Cheuk Chi introduced transformative innovations in biomedical engineering with her talk, “Hands of Hope? 希望之手? How do biomedical devices assist the daily life of doctors and nurses?”

Karina Duisenova

The evening’s grand finale was led by Karina Duisenova, whose talk, “Psychology of Movies: How Filmmakers Make You Laugh and Cry,” delved into the art and science of storytelling on screen.

Who Prevails?

The speakers’ collective brilliance, evident in the rapt attention of the audience and the discerning judging panel, left an indelible mark. Each speaker received no less than 9 points out of 15.

It is with genuine appreciation that we congratulate Karina Duisenova, who emerged as the talk series champion, boasting an impressive average score of 13.42. Special thanks are due to the dedicated organisers, whose meticulous planning made the event possible, and to all the participants who shared their academic passions with their peers.