Grisha Hey there, folks! Im Grigorii Iunusov, a second-year student studying finance and business analytics. Nice to meet you all! My job is to write about all the amazing events that take place in our wonderful Hall 4 community!

Dive for the Win

Dive for the Win

“Take your mark and dive into the pool of the uncharted waters!”

Crazy as it may seem, our hall got its foot in the door with a swimming competition as it was unusual this year! Not only was not it an inter-hall activity but also our representatives, namely Grigorii, Adam, Huon, and Conor, had a blood, sweat and tears but successful race of 50x4 relay with professional athletes, representing CityU and other universities.

Representatives of Hall 4

Unfortunately, the female team could not compete in the event due to some unexpected issues. Nonetheless, they were an amazing support for our male participants, who were full of beans after receiving cheerings from female team, tried their best and, thus, won a bronze for our Hall!

We are also grateful for our Residence Master and our Residence Tutors, who left no stones unturned and were able to push the envelope so that our hall could become a representative in the CityU Aquatic Meet.

Adam swimming

Aquatic Meet was an high intense competition, which was at the same time, unusual for our residents. In a nutshell, our amateur swimming representatives showed their love and respect for the hall by winning the 3rd place. We offer our sincere congratulations to our male team and to our hall for the incredible achievement and hope that our student residents, both male and female, will maintain this ‘silver lining’ of success and we wish them all the luck in the future events and inter-hall activities!