All Stories

Welcome To Semester B: Hall Induction

As we embark on the beginning of the new semester for the 2024/25 Academic year, we extend a warm welcome to all our new residents joining us for Semester B....

Interhall Competition Fun Day - Table Tennis 🏓

The highly-anticipated Table Tennis Interhall Contest has finally arrived! The second ICFD for this semester is table tennis, which was held on the 19th and 23rd of November, 2024. The...

A Recap of the Academians' Talk Event on Innovation and Sustainability

On the evening of October 28th, 2024, Multifunction Hall A lightened up as eager audiences gathered to acquire fresh knowledge while speakers stood enthusiastically, ready to share their passion with...

ICFD Tug of War: Tugging at Academians’ hearts

On 3rd October 2024, the inter-hall event — Tug-of-War had begun. As one of the most remarkable inter-hall events in semester A, our team had undergone strenuous training sessions and...

Summer Letting of Hall Alumni

Summer letting of hall alumni held on 13 July

Exploring Majestic Heights: Dragon's Back Hiking Day Unveiled at Hall4 JACA

In a splendid fusion of adventure and camaraderie, Hall4 JACA hosted a Dragon’s Back hiking day on December 24th 2023 that left participants spellbound. The journey commenced at noon, weaving...